
comics, art, and other stuff. by troy kealley

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Why are we here? It's question that philosophers have pondered for centuries; but outside of the existential sense, I am here to reinvent my comics business into comics-as-a-hobby - hopefully something a little more easy to manage!

Formerly I've run under the radioTAK banner and then merged with Local Act Comics with the goal to make and market professional Australian comics. But at the end of the day my profession is not comics - so let's face it, that wasn't a good idea! So after a long break from the scene, and plenty of time to think about HOW to still be involved without turning it into a chore, I've embarked on this new project.

So the idea right now for Tomkatt Comics is to run with various 'fun' things to do with comics. PDF downloadable comics (tapping into the popularity of all the iPoop products!), online comics, and some 'hand crafted' print volumes, calendars, and various other products as we go. Planned a little later down the track is a web-store to host this. But for now the 'business' approach is out the window - this is going to be a much more casual thing - a hobby like it should be!

I'll be launching some of the material at Supanova at the end of the month so you'll have a chance to see where we're going there. The main idea is for it to be as cheap as possible to run, and not take all my time! While I'm here I'll pimp some of my other hobbies too - I'm an avid wargamer and model-maker, plus I do a bit of sculpting here and there, I participate in a bit of motor sport too, and of course there's the ever persistent World of Warcrack to waste my time. And as a sad old geek I enjoy the odd bit of cosplay (and my freinds - you know you're into it too - lets call a spade a spade!) which you'll also have to endure if you go to Supanova...

So stay tuned for comic updates, catgirls, news from the Warhammer 40K frontlines, plus random ramblings as we go.

It's good to be back!

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